Friday, August 24, 2007

Merdeka Activities!!!!

50th Merderka Celebration
click on the poster above for larger version

Come out Come out n play!!!
Poster is self explanatory. See u there!! bring friends...
Hot.. friends... preferable.. ahahha jokes

right after that, on friday night, we've got a dinner gathering for chatter and catching up @ Bali Bagus. See Azera's post below:

Hope everyone in a good health.
MSA RMIT would like to invite all of you to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Independant Day.
So, here it comes one of our annual events of the year : MERDEKA DINNER 2007.

Date: 31st August 2007 (friday)
Time: 7:30pm
Venue: Bali Bagus Restaurant, 85 Franklin Street, Melbourne
(In front of ALdi and Milano Apartment)
Menu: Buffet (4 dishes with finger foods)
Price: $15 per person

Thus, spread the news around~!
Reply to us at or send an email to me (Azera) at ('',)

Monday, August 13, 2007

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament (Update)

Hi Members,

Due to the lack of response, MSA-RMIT University have to postpone the Basketball Tournament to a later date.

We encourage all members to continue sending your participation forms to in and I am sure when the date is confirmed, we shall have a fantastic tournament.

MSA - RMIT University

KPMG in RMIT University tomorrow!!

When: 530pm to 630pm
Where: Bourke St. Campus
Bld 108, Lvl 7, Room 18

Be there or be Square...

MSA-RMIT University

Monday, August 06, 2007

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
click on image to view larger version

Bowling Event

Strike Bowling
Bowling was awesome. Had more than 20 members who came to bowl and here is the winner for this bowling event:


Thank you all for coming and see you at our next event!
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