MSA-RMIT gonna have a BBQ Welcome party at Bowen Street on the 15th of March (Saturday) and guess what? It's FREE MAN!!!
That's the main reason why y'all should come and join us and know more MORE friends instead, ignore your assignment for a little while.. Fasting internet just for half day (save your bandwidth plan too) and please do come to our first BBQ Party Session. Jangan kamurang bimbang, It's Halal!!
Yeah..... Remember BBQ PARTY!! Jangan Malu-malu kucing ya.
Here's the detail below :
MSA-RMIT BBQ Welcoming.
Date : 15th March 2008 (Saturday)
Time : 12pm (Malaysian time acceptable)
Venue : Bowen Street
Date : 15th March 2008 (Saturday)
Time : 12pm (Malaysian time acceptable)
Venue : Bowen Street
Sekian, Harap Maklum.
-peace bebeh-
-peace bebeh-