Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Majlis Muhibah Aidilfitri

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera,

Victoria Malaysian Postgraduates Association (VMPGA) cordially invites you, your family and friends to

Majlis Muhibah Aidilfitri
on 4th of November 2007, 11:00AM
at North Melbourne Town Hall*

Majlis Muhibah Aidilfitri

Do join us all in this festivity with the rest of the Malaysian community at Muhibah Aidilfitri!

For further information, please contact Nushi Mahfodz (nushimahfodz@yahoo.com), Mahazan Mutalib (mahazan2uim@yahoo.com) or Basha Othman (basha_othman@yahoo.com).

*North Melbourne Town Hall is on the corner of Queensberry & Errol St, North Melbourne.
Melways Ref: 2A J9

Parking is available on surrounding streets. Be aware that local resident parking restriction may be enforced.

Public Transportation: Take Number 57 tram from Elizabeth St. Alight at Stop 12.

Monday, October 15, 2007

MASCA AGM postponed

Dear MSO's and Observers

It is with great regret that I have to inform you that the MASCA Vic AGM has been postponed to the 3rd week of March 2008 due to the rushed nature of holding it this year. This will enable everyone to concentrate on the more important things (ie studies and exams).

We hope this has not inconvenienced anyone and thank you to all who have sent us a copy of their annual report and nominations. Nominations will be open until the AGM. So, there will be loads of time to think and consider about potential candidates for the mentioned positions.

Once again sorry for any inconvenience caused. Good luck to all for the upcoming exams and we, the committee of MASCA Vic look forward to working with you in the future.

Thank you.
Anthea Kwan

Thursday, October 11, 2007

MASCA Victoria AGM

Details of AGM
Date : 20th OCTOBER 2007 (SATURDAY)
Time : 2pm
Venue : Malaysia Hall, K4 High Street - Directions here: http://www.msdaustralia.org.au /Myhall2.htm#DMM

1) Report from all affiliates & observers

Annual report & Financial report: all affiliates are requested to submit a report on their activities throughout the year, financial standing and any other problems / issues the associations may have.

The reports are to be distributed to all members and attendees of the AGM. MASCA Victoria will be able to print your reports (annual report & financial report) if you could send them within a reasonable time. The last date you can send your reports to us will be the 16th of October 2007. However you are more than welcome to print these reports out yourselves. Please make sure you provide sufficient copies (20 or so).

Chairpersons: you are to present the report during the AGM. (Introduce your committee, annual report, financial report - briefly, only 10 minutes. Powerpoint presentations are welcome, but please give notice).

2) Nominations of MASCA Victoria positions 2007-2008.

Nominations must be made in writing, signed by 2 members of the association. Nominations must be delivered to masca_vic@yahoo.com at least 5 days before the date fixed for the AGM.(16th October 2007) Nomination forms are attached to this e-mail. Nominations closes on the Tuesday, 16th October 2007.

a) Chairperson
b) Deputy Chairperson,
c) Secretary
d) Treasurer
e) Liaison Director

*Positions (a) - (e): open only to affiliates of MASCA Victoria (all members of MSOs & observers, including MASCA Victoria current councils- (experience is essential)

f) Cultural Director
g) Education and Career Development Director
h) Social and Welfare Director
i) Information & Technology Director

**Positions (f) - (g): open to all Malaysian students studying in Melbourne.
All nominees will be contacted by the council to prove capabilities.
All nominations will be reviewed by the MASCA Victoria Executive Councils and nominees will be contacted in writing whether the nomination is accepted / rejected.

3) Notice of any other business

Please write to us at masca_vic@yahoo.com should there be any additional business/agenda you would like to raise during the meeting.

4) Votes per MSO
Each MSO (including MASCA Victoria) will be entitled to 5 votes.
A proxy may be nominated. (form attached with this e-mail)

Attached with this e-mail:
i) Nomination form
ii) Proxy form

Please e-mail us at masca_vic@yahoo.com should you need further clarification.

Yours sincerely,
Karthiben Mahendranathan
MASCA Victoria

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Jemputan ke Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1428H dan Rumah Terbuka MSDA bersama Persatuan Pelajar Malaysia di Victoria

Assalamu’alaikum wbt. dan Selamat Sejahtera,

Jemputan ke Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1428H dan Rumah Terbuka MSDA bersama Persatuan Pelajar Malaysia di Victoria

Dengan segala sukacitanya, Jabatan Penuntut Malaysia Australia (JPMA) dengan kerjasama Kelab Dewan Malaysia Melbourne (KDMM), Victoria Melbourne Postgraduate Australia (VMPGA), Kelab UMNO Australia Melbourne (KUAM), Federal of Australian Muslim Student Youth – Malaysian Students’ Department (FAMSY-MSD), Petronas Victoria Club (PETROVIC), dan Malaysian Association Student Council Australia (MASCA); ingin menjemput semua warga Malaysia di sekitar Melbourne untuk menunaikan Solat Sunat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Rumah Terbuka seperti berikut:

Tarikh: 13 Oktober 2007 (1 Syawal 1427 Hijrah)
Hari: Sabtu
Tempat: Dewan Malaysia Melbourne
K4 High Street, Windsor 3181, Victoria
(Stop 27 - Tram 3, 5, 6, 7, 16, 64, 67)
Melway 58 (B6)

Aturcara majlis adalah seperti berikut:

8.15 am Ketibaan tetamu
8.30 am Takbir raya
9.00 am Solat Sunat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
9.45 am Jamuan Rumah Terbuka
12.30 pm Majlis bersurai

Untuk kemudahan para tetamu, beberapa perkara yang perlu diambil perhatian adalah seperti berikut:

  • Pihak KDMM tidak menyediakan kemudahan tempat letak kereta. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat kemudahan tempat letak kereta awam berbayar di sepanjang jalan (High Street dan St. Kilda Road).

  • Sila bawa jaket atau baju sejuk kerana majlis akan dibuat di kawasan terbuka (outdoor) dan cuaca dijangka agak sejuk (8 – 16°C)

  • Bilangan sejadah dan tikar adalah terhad. Justeru itu, saudara-saudari adalah digalakkan untuk membawa sejadah dan tikar sendiri.

Semoga Syawal pada tahun ini lebih meriah dengan kehadiran saudara-saudari sekalian. Kami juga mengalu-alukan sebarang sumbangan berbentuk juadah untuk jamuan Hari Raya.



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